Le top de la Haute-Couture, pour moi c'est CHANEL.

Le Chic, le Choc...

Les somptueux chapeaux de papier créés par Katsuya Kamo pour la collection 2009

5 commentaires:

Flo de Sendai a dit…

Ces chapeaux, crees par un japonais, sont vraiment tres tres jolis !

Anonyme a dit…

Dear L'Elégante, I have found your weblog by accident, but how pleased I am to have done so. Style, elegance and a wonderfully artistic eye. Perfect.

I am particularly interested in the fact that you have included members of the Bloomsbury Set amongst your passions. I very much share that too and by coincidence have written about Charleston in my latest posting. I shall return.

Anonyme a dit…

Cher L'Elégante, Forgive me for taking up more of your time but I did wish to thank you so much for your comment on my latest posting and to which I have made reply.

Anonyme a dit…

De superbes chapeaux pour une maison de couture française inégalable de style.

Coco aurait aimé, je crois !

Paris Rendez-vous and Beyond a dit…

Fabulous head pieces!!!!!! J'adore!



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